This program is currently not accepting new applications. We will provide updates on this website if the status changes. Thank you for your understanding.
For any questions or additional information, please contact us at:
City First Homes is now Homes by CFE.
Homes by CFE helps low to moderate-income borrowers leave the cycle of renting and achieve stable, affordable homeownership. By supporting borrowers with the necessary funds to be able to make a down payment, program participants avoid the added cost of mortgage insurance, and lower their upfront down payment and closing costs. As nonprofit lenders, we are guided by the values of transparency, equity, and responsibility.
Homes by CFE developed the Down Payment Assistance (DPA) Program as a Special Purpose Credit Program (SPCP) designed to benefit low to moderate-income Black and Latino households — the groups that experience the most significant homeownership gap in the DC and Baltimore Metro areas. Learn more about SPCPs here.
How can we help you?
Down Payment Assistance
Are you interested in becoming a homeowner, and do you identify as Black and/or Latino? Learn about program eligibility, loan terms, and support.
DPA Program GuideLegacy Program Information
Are you a homeowner through the original City First Homes program? If you purchased your property before January 30, 2022, get info on program updates, resales, and more.
Legacy Program Information